Monday, February 18, 2008


i'm here in muscat, oman. as of the moment, im all alone in the flat.  its okay with me as long as a computer/ laptop with internet connection is available.

flat life: trix and michelle are my two flatmates. we each have our own room. i got the smallest room but i dont mind because i dont have much stuff anyway.  we've got our own kitchen and we take turns in cooking and washing the dishes.  food consists of chicken: from hotdogs to soups to nuggets etc... chicken breasts, wings, boneless etc.. we try to variate it with different sauces and recipes. so far, we've been lucky.  pork is hard to find here. i got to eat it once though.  i just finished doing my laundry yesterday.  we have a washing machine with dryer.  really great! it would have been such a hassle if we didnt have one or have to get somebody to do it for us.

work life: its good. the work is hectic but not stressful.  we get a lot of projects coming and out of the office. i get to do most of the 3d modeling.  i also get to do some designing and lay-outing.  i already got to do my first client meeting the other night.  it wasnt that hard.  i guess i was pretty confident with my english and knowledge.  i think i asked the right questions regarding their project.  tomorrow, i might be able to do my first outdoor project.  so far, everyone's been nice and warm and welcoming.  the smell of the "Pana" guys is something else. i really need to eat before i go to the office, otherwise, i might vomit from the bad smell, headache and hunger.  they smell so bad... i cant describe the smell exactly but its bad.  the big boss, sheik seif, is very nice and sincere.  GM isnt bad either. its the salesguys who irritate me. one guy thinks he's my boss and would just call me from my cubicle and tell me to do some drawings or 3d. Duh! im holding out on my anger still.  i try to be nice and just humbly accept whatever he asks me to do. but if it becomes too much, im telling GM.  he's not my boss!!!! 

im sleepy... the other stuff just have to be on the next blog. 

Friday, February 01, 2008

unsent letter

hi! hows ur work?

wats dis about? its about us. i asked u a question before about the heart and head. ur answer really helped a lot in clearing the confusion. i was confused because i was already feeling something for you. my heart tells me the exact opposite from what my head thinks i should do. my head was also listening to my friends and my own common sense. unfortunately, following my head this time would not make me happy. when i told you that i wanted to end the chatting sessions, i really felt bad and sad afterwards.

we've met 2 years ago and never had time to meet up properly. honestly, u did have a GOOD chance with me if u had just tried to ask and have not judged me. do u stil remember asking me out for a date, i think december 2006? i was so pissed off with u because u never texted back again nor offered details about it. i assumed then that u were either drunk or just a plain old jerk. i even texted u in the afternoon if u were in davao already, u replied but simply didnt mention anything about the supposed date. that was STRIKE ONE.

STRIKE TWO was asking if u can court me when in fact u had a gf. and i have to personally find out about it online. what the heck were u thinking?!! we had a debate, i cooled off my anger. u were not worth my time. i continued chatting with you because i had a lot of questions and u were competent enough to answer them. i easily forgive people when they DON'T matter much to me. i usually hold grudges for a week or a month to my real friends. hehehe do u know that "arguments are the truest index of emotional involvement?" just something i got from a book.

so, about u... i stil hold on my impressions that u are a jerk, bastos and arrogant. but i never told u that i find u to be an interesting person. u have impressed me a lot with your stories, what u've been through and where you're going etc. i just hope that u weren't lying or making up stories just for my entertainment. u do sound arrogant and bastos even in just d way u chat. but i still see what was said, not just how it was said. i can also psychoanalyze people.:)

i do like you, JP. duh!! wasn't it a bit obvious to you already? i like you BUT I'M NOT YET IN LOVE WITH YOU. you stil got to work on that part, big time. and i don't know how its going to happen, with the distance and the different time zones. im scared to get hurt and to be vulnerable to someone like you. i just took the plunge this time with hopes that u are serious, real and true. do u stil feel the same way for me or has it changed after all the shutdowns i've said to you?

bases loaded, would it be a HOMERUN or a STRIKE THREE (& ur out for good)? its really upto you...