Wednesday, January 05, 2005

When abnormal is normal

i've been so busy the past few days with my design plates. didn't have time to sleep much less write for this blog. i had to do some research for my design exam plate, so i got decided to get online. might as well write a little something for the day.

i changed my blogspot's name to kamote cubes. i lost an hour's sleep thinking of a "cool" name for my blog. i got the name and was able to sleep after that.
when abnormal is normal...

abnormal is sleeping at 2am or later or worse at 6am.
but its normal for an architecture student or any student for that matter.
its also normal for people who work in those night clubs, bars and other nocturnal areas in the world.

abnormal is eating a lot and not getting an ounce fatter.
but its not for an archi stude. its basically a corollary to lack of sleep.

abnormal is writing this blog when i should be doing my research or get some much needed sleep.
but its normal for an archi stude to procrastinate.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

The First

Happy New Year to Everyone!!!

I already got this acount since june 2004 but this is the first time that i've ever written an entry for the blog. it seems like the best time to start one for me. its the first day of the new year. i thought it would be nice to start writing again my thoughts. i've kept a journal since i was in third year high school. but i've stop writing bout my life, thoughts and emotions for almost 3 years ago. i seem to have this bad luck of losing my journals. i lost a lot of notebooks (my journals) and the journal in my computer. the hardcopies, due to a canal flood. was able to save about 3 notebooks only. the latest notebooks that time (1999-2001). i started a journal in my pc around 2001 also. however, had to do some reformatting and other stuff, wasn't able to save most of my files then.

Losing memories, good or bad, is sad. I liked reading through my journals. Remembering the days before, what i was doing and how i felt those days. I had the habit of reading an entry of the same day the year before. i'd see where i was then and realize that sometimes, i was back at the same problem. its like a routine.

What i write then in high school was so so different from what i wrote in college and what i wrote after my UP Diliman life. How i write is another story. The styles were so different. High school was very childish and immature. Typical dear diary stuff, crushes and run through of the activities of the day, highlights. nothing really heavy. but it was fun to read, as i remember. Twas a Barunson notebook, given by emmylou.

Jeez! i could go on writing. but hey! i gotta go. Thought i'd have a difficult time doing this, but the ideas just seems to flow. I also thought i'd have a difficulty in typing correctly and completely the words, not text messaging style, but i did pretty okay if i may say so myself.hehehe

Happy new year again and I pray that God continues to bless us all.